The Go Slow Life: Using Mercury in Retrograde to your advantage

I have no shame about the fact that I totally believe in Astrology.  I believe the stars tell us things and send different energies into the world at different times.  I see commonalities between people of the same signs and when I look back over events that happened in my life, I see where the stars did INDEED predict the events that took place.

But for anyone like me who follows the stars, you have likely heard of Mercury in Retrograde in some kind of foreboding context.

As I write this, Mercury is currently in Retrograde through March 9, 2020.

Mercury in Retrograde is when communication snafus happen, travel plans get upended, computers crash.  It's a PAIN.  You reply-all to the company with that cutting remark which was intended for your friend at work. (Oops).  You miss your flight due to traffic on the way to the airport. (Ugh.)  These kinds of things are typical of Mercury in Retrograde.

But the bigger picture meaning of Mercury in Retrograde is the need to look back so you can look ahead.  As Astrostyle puts it, "Think of the retrograde as a quarterly review period, a chance to pause and finish what you've started."

This could not be more perfect for The Go Slow Life.  A quarterly opportunity to slow down, look at what you need to wrap up and close out, and use that as a way to propel yourself forward.

Some ways I use Mercury in Retrograde to my advantage:
- Clean out all the email inboxes.  Be ruthless about deleting old messages that no longer serve a purpose.  Start fresh each day with a clear head and a clear inbox.
- Clean out the house of old, inedible food.  This doesn't get too bad in our house because we have a compost service that comes once a week, and I use that schedule as my reminder to sweep all the old stuff out of the fridge on the night before the service comes.  But I did still have pounds and pounds of Halloween candy hanging out in large bags on the top of the refrigerator, so this was the perfect time to say goodbye to it.
- Be more deliberate and more careful about my communication and my travel plans.  Be more mindful of what's in front of me and less distracted by other attention-grabbers.

The Go Slow Life encourages you to slow down and dedicate your time and attention to the things that really matter.  Mercury in Retrograde will let you know if you're too hasty!


P.S. For more detail on Mercury in Retrograde, check out Astrostyle's full description here!


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