The Go Slow Life and Seasonal Sounds and Smells

The last 6 weeks have been very busy in my world.  We hosted 2 weekends in a row of houseguests (which was so fun, both times!) and I had a very busy cycle in my full-time job.  On top of that, I my car got damaged in the parking garage at work, so there was a period of time with a rental car in the middle of all that.  I also joined a new gym and started a new fitness program all at the same time.

I'm pleased to say that everything went mostly well during such a busy time!  (Well, as well as can be expected), and I'm grateful for finally having some time to settle down to spend bit of quiet time musing on what I've coined as "The Go Slow Life".

Some of my favorite things about this time of year (which happens to be summer where I am) are the sounds and smells of nature.  As I write this, I am sitting in my dining room, with my sliding glass door open behind me, and I can hear early morning birds and bugs starting the day.  It's also a little rainy, so the smell of wet grass and wet mulch is also coming through the open screen.  I can smell my hot coffee sitting next to me, and the sound of the A/C humming in the background.

I just heard a dog bark somewhere at a distance, and in the time it took me to type this out, I heard a hawk, some woodpeckers, and group of crows cawing in the distance.

Listening to these sounds, smelling these smells, they are happening around us all day every day, but many times we (myself included) are more wrapped up in client deliverables, social media likes and the never-ending list of to-dos to notice them.

But sitting here, listening to the birds and bugs, and the clock ticking in my kitchen, they bring me a physical sense of calm.  I feel it emanate from my center like the lapping of a warm water wave across my chest and out through my fingers and toes. 

Spending 5, 10 or 30 minutes present with nature, uninterrupted, can bring about a renewed sense of calm, even in the midst of or on the heels of a demanding phase in life.  As with nature, everything is a phase.  There will always be an ebb and flow.  Try it, feel it, be present with it and see how it impacts your senses throughout your whole body.  No need to meditate or to free your brain from thoughts, just be in nature and experience it wholeheartedly.


PS I get this same sensation looking at this website, and imagining what it would be like to enjoy a meal at the restaurant.  Check it out for fun and see how you physically react to it!

PPS Since I'm a grownup and I pay my own electric bill, I get to leave the door open with the A/C on.


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