The Go Slow Life and Busy Seasons in Life

I haven't posted a blog in over a month and I'm sure there's some explanation there (I was busy! My boss is leaving my company!  I traveled to Ireland with my husband and 2 small children!) but that's neither here nor there.

The reality is that I was (and am) in a very busy season of life. 

My work allows for me to be on call for discussions and emails from 9-5, however, much of my work requires time away from communication.  So it's a trick juggling act.

I have childcare daily from 7am to 5pm which works out to 50 hours a week.  I live 10 minutes from work, so I'm able to maximize my work time because I'm not commuting. (This is a total blessing for sure because traffic in my area can be horrific.)

So, I'm able to work for 45-50 hours per week, MAXIMUM, without negatively impacting my relationship with my husband and children.  And keeping up with the house.  And maybe relaxing once in a while.

However, my work demands are greater than 45-50 hours a week.  If I were able to work 55-60 hours a week, I could probably be ahead of the curve better, but it is what it is.  It's a busy season.

So now, more than ever, I need to go slow.  Because the pace around me has only escalated.

When I feel overwhelmed, I fall into behavior patterns that actually exacerbate the problem.  I start avoiding work by checking social media. I vent (whine) to my coworkers about being overworked.  I eat foods that aren't productive to good energy levels so I get tired more easily.

It's a vicious cycle.

So what do I do?  What should you do? 

Take 2 minutes in silence.  Away from your desk.  Hide in the bathroom stall if you need to.  (Don't bring your phone). Breathe slowly.  4 counts in, 4 counts hold, 6 counts out.  Repeat again and again and again until you feel yourself slow.  Go slow, so you can go fast.


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